Partnership and Cooperation Agreement: Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of Tetouan, The Foundation of the Tetouan International Mediterranean Film Festival And the Association Friends of Cinema of Tetouan

A partnership and cooperation agreement was signed on Wednesday, January 12th, 2022 between the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of Tetouan, the Foundation of the Tetouan International Film Festival of Mediterranean and the Friends of Cinema Association of Tetouan.

The agreement was signed by Dr. Mustafa El-Ghashi, Dean of the Faculty, Mr. Ahmed El Housni, President of the Festival Foundation, and Dr. Mohamed Bouyessef Rekab, President of the Friends of Cinema Association in Tetouan. This agreement aims to enrich the cinematographic field in our country, encourage youth and students to discover the charm of the 7th art  through cultural activities and training workshops.

It also aims to contribute ta making cinema one of the training options at the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of Tetouan, which  on the Administrative Council of the Foundation of the Tetouan International Mediterranean Film Festival, held on December 24, 2021, has regained its position as the main academic partner