Regulations for the Tetouan Workshops 2024

Long métrages (fiction et documentaire)

The Tetouan Mediterranean Film Festival Foundation is launching the second edition of the ATELIERS DE TETOUAN for the 29th edition of the Festival which will take place from April 27th to May 4th, 2024.

Ateliers de Tétouan are:

o Call for scenario development funds
o Pitching training with an expert
o INDUSTRY DAY´S (Professional meeting with a large committee of producers and distributors from both shores of the Mediterranean).


● This call is open to directors and producers from Mediterranean countries.
● This call concerns feature film scripts (fiction and documentary).
● The director must have already made a short or feature-length fiction film or documentary.
● Applicants can only present one project.
● The file must be complete for the application to be taken into account.
● Participating projects must have a producer,
● The script must be written in Arabic, French or English.

The selection

– A pre-selection committee made up of cinema professionals decides on the 10 to 12 projects chosen.
– The candidates chosen during the preselection will appear before a professional jury to present and defend their projects.
– The jury announces the three best scenarios which will have the following prizes:

– 1st prize: 70,000 MAD
– 2nd prize: 50,000 MAD
– 3rd prize: 30,000 MAD

Two additional attractive prices are currently being negotiated with our partners.


● Registration is done in two steps:
1- Online registration on the website:
Followed by sending the file by email to (in 1 single PDF with the elements in the following order).
– The complete scenario (or a detailed treatment for documentaries)
– A short synopsis
– Director’s note and producer’s note (both texts within a limit of 250 words each)
– Biography
– Provisional poster of the film (if exists)

Online registration and sending the file by email must be done at the same time, knowing that the last deadline for receiving applications will be January 31, 2024 at midnight (GMT+1).

PS: The project will not be taken into consideration if documents are missing in the file or on the online form.

For each project, a candidate will be invited by the Tetouan workshops, which will take care of their stay and travel.


January 31, 2024: Closing of the call for scenarios
March 15, 2024: Announcement of the projects selected